Friday, 9 July 2010

The came, they packed, they left.

Hurray, the relocation company turned up today! I must once they were here they were very efficient. D took exception to them packing his toys up, which is understandable but even he was chatting to them the whole way through. He did cry a bit when he finally had to say goodbye though which made me feel bad for him. Z on the other hand couldn't have cared less, she sat on her high chair watching the world go by, but mainly CBeebies!. Took them about two hours in the end, which wasn't bad (although we hadn't got that much to be shipped). The most surprising thing was watching them put our double mattress in an over sized brown paper bag (see below behind Z)! Quite a strange feeling seeing your belongings in the back of a 7.5 tonne lorry and knowing the next time you see them will be roughly 6,741 miles away in five weeks time (I have been doing a bit of research). Gawd knows what was gong through Dan's head! Not much else to say on the subject other than you can guarantee over the next few weeks we're bound to find something we wished we'd shipped.
Another good thing that arrived today was confirmation from our mortgage lenders of permission to let. Phew, that would have been tricky if they hadn't granted that one! Can't say it had even crossed my mind that they wouldn't but I suppose if you've got to ask there's always the possibility they'll say no!

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