Friday, 27 August 2010

Two weeks later

We're still here! It's still working. Term started for real yesterday for T with the new intake coming in meaning she met her new students for the first time. First impressions were good by the sounds of it. She was shattered when she got home though which I imagine will be fairly standard for the next few weeks.On the other hand I spent the day at the Botanic Gardens. I met up with another teaching widow who was pleased to get into the open after two days stuck in waiting for various deliveries. She's great with the kids, especially as she's not as mum. So it was very good to have another pair of hands as well as some good company. It's a fantastic place, especially with the kids. I can see us frequenting it quite regularly. It was a hot day yesterday with a lot of sun (apart from the thunderstorm at midday). So I was a  bit concerned with the kids welfare. I needn't have worried, they didn't seem to notice and a bit of factor 50 saw them right. Most of the day was spent at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden inside the Botanic Gardens themselves. A garden specifically designed for kids to enjoy (see a map of it here), you're not allowed in without one. Indeed, when Claire arrived and I wasn't there she felt security were viewing her with some suspicion! Anyway, inside, it was taking all my powers of persuasion to get Dan from one area to the next due to the fact he was enjoying it so much. Tears were had after the first eco exhibit that he liked but he soon settled down and enjoyed the rest of the day. Sufficed to say it was two very tired children I bundled into the taxi at the end of the day a very successful day out and the longest and warmest one I've done on my own (albeit with a lot of help from Claire).

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