Friday 11 February 2011

Mmmmm, curry!

D loves the fact that we can pick fresh curry leaves from somewhere in the grounds of the condo (as do I). I say somewhere as Mary won't divulge where as I think she thinks it's a bit naughty and she's such an upstanding member of the community! Anyway, it Mary's very own dhal for dinner tonight and it is one of my very favourite dishes that she makes. My mouth is watering just thinking about it and might even blog a photo of it later if I remember. The chances are slim to be honest as I become rather obsessed once I start!!


  1. Sounds good! Unfortunately I've eaten dhal for 10 days straight in Bangladesh and now feel a bit ill thinking about eating more dhal.

  2. Ha ha! Excellent. I love dhal but that's taking it a bit too far! I'll enjoy reading your blog!

  3. Yes, Day 1 in Bangladesh was like "Yay! Dhal, curry!"

    By Day 10 it was like "I wonder if they make good spaghetti bolognese in Bangaldesh..." (They don't, but it tasted good because it was Not Dhal.)
